Where are the properties located?
All over Whangarei – some in Glenbervie, Te Kamo, Kensington, Tikipunga, Onerahi, Central Town, Ruakaka and Maunu. The Trust also has 7 properties in South Auckland.
Who are the Property Managers?
The Whangarei Assessible Housing Trust employs Assure Rentals to be the Property Managers for all of our homes.
How much is the rent?
This will vary depending on whether the tenant is paying rent via the Income Related Rent Subsidy (IRRS) scheme or as an Affordable Rental.
IRRS – IRR tenants will have an annual review of their rent through WINZ and the amount of rent you pay is based on your income.
Affordable Rental – If the tenant does not qualify for IRRS then the Trust’s rentals are set at approximately 85% of the market rent to ensure that they are affordable and accessible. Rents are reviewed annually based on comparable market rents and government data.
In either case, we will give you 60 days notice of any increase in your rent.
Water consumption and other utilities bills
The tenant is responsible for these bills. We will invoice you when we receive the the water bills from the supplier. You can set up a regular payment towards your water bills. Assure Rentals can help you set up this process.
Given the demand for accessible housing, how do you choose who will be the successful tenant?
The Trust considers a range of factors including (but not limited to) the person’s current living situation, effect of disability and level of need for accessible environment along with what other housing options are available, and their financial circumstances.
How do people apply?
You can get in touch with us about this via two ways:
Firstly, if you are interested in applying for a home, then you can complete the Online Enquiry and Eligibility Form found at the bottom of our home page. Once completed this will send electronically to our Trust Administrator (there is no need for you to print the form off to fill it out) who will lodge your application. Kevin, our housing manager, will then get in touch with you.
Secondly, as an alternative, you can print off a paper copy via a link at the bottom of the home page, fill it out and scan it and email it back to admin@accessiblehousing.org.nz
Contacting the Trust
Email: admin@accessiblehousing.org.nz
Mail: PO Box 10004, Whangarei 0143
Website: whangareiaccessiblehousingtrust.org.nz